- “Legislative Update,” Texas Water Conservation Association Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, March 2015
- “Groundwater Issues—Controversies and Legislative Initiatives,” TWCA/TRWA Water Law Seminar, Austin, Texas, January 2015
- “Legislative Update,” Texas Hill Country Water Summit, New Braunfels, Texas, December 2014
- “Legislative Update,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Conference, Bastrop, Texas, October 2014.
- “Update on Activities of TWCA Groundwater Committee,” Texas Water Conservation Association, Fall Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October 2014.
- “Review of Texas Laws Related to Movement of Groundwater,” H2O4Texas Conference, Turning the Water Wheel, Fort Worth, Texas, September 2014.
- “Legislative Lowdown,” Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts Summit, San Marcos, Texas, August 2014.
- “Texas Litigation and Legislation,” The Water Report, Issue #123, May 2014.
- “Texas Litigation and Legislation,” CLE International Law of the Rio Grande Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2014.
- “TWCA Groundwater Committee Update,” Texas Water Conservation Association, Spring Conference, Woodlands, Texas, March 2014.
- “2013 Legislative Update,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Conference, Bastrop, Texas, October 2013.
- “2013 Legislative Update,” Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts Summit, San Marcos, Texas, August 2013.
- “Legislative Update,” 2013 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA), Annual Conference, Lubbock, Texas, April 2013.
- “2013 Legislative Update,” Air and Waste Management Association Meeting, Austin, Texas, February 2013.
- “Groundwater Rights,” Texas Water Law Conference, CLE International, Austin, Texas, September 2012.
- “Overview of Texas Water Legal Framework: Surface Water; Groundwater; Planning; Agencies,” Texas Conference of Urban Counties, Austin, Texas, September 2012.
- “Texas Water Law Overview,” Presentation to the House Republican Caucus, Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas, August 2012.
- “Interim Charges and 2013 Legislative Outlook,” Texas Groundwater Summit, San Marcos, August 2012.
- “Managing Priority Calls the Texas Way: Water Rights Allocation In Dry Times,” CLE International Law of the Rio Grande Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2012.
- “Groundwater Management: The Pros and Cons of Local, Regional and State Management for Agriculture and Landowners,” 2012 Agricultural Water Summit, Texas Farm Bureau, Waco, February 2012.
- “82nd Legislative Overview – Uranium and Industrial Minerals,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, Bastrop, Texas, October 2011.
- “Legislative Update,” 2011 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) Annual Conference, Irving, Texas, April 2011.
- “Legislative Update,” Changing Face of Water Rights 2011, Texas Bar CLE, San Antonio, Texas, February 2011.
- “2010 Legislative Update,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Conference, Bastrop, Texas, October 2010.
- “Legislative Update on Water Issues,” 10th Annual Bell County Water Symposium, Belton, Texas, October 2010.
- “Texas Water Litigation,” The Water Report, Issue #76, June 2010.
- “Interim Charges and Review of Interim Activity at the Legislature,” Texas Water Conservation Association, Mid-Year Conference, South Padre Island, Texas, June 2010.
- “Legislative and Litigation Update,” CLE International’s Law of the Rio Grande Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2010.
- “Enforcement & Monitoring of DFC’s,” Pumping Limits for Texas Aquifers: Desired Future Conditions Process, TAMU, Austin, Texas, January 2010.
- “2009 Legislative Update” Bell County Water Symposium, Belton, Texas, November 2009
- “The Law, Groundwater and Groundwater Conservation Districts,” TWDB’s Groundwater 101 Conference – Aquifers of the Upper Coastal Plains of Texas – Carrizo-Wilcox, College Station, Texas, October 2009.
- “Legislative Wrap-Up,” Texas Coalition of Cities for Utility Issues, Dallas, Texas, August 2009.
- “Legislative Update,” 2009 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, April 2009.
- “Advocating County Issues at the State Level,” Commissioners Court Leadership Academy Program, Austin, Texas, March 2009.
- “Being Smart With Enforcement: Using Common Sense to Develop, Execute and Defend Your District’s Enforcement Approach,” Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts, Austin, Texas, July 2008.
- “Water Resources-Planning for the Future,” 2008 Permian Basin Economic Development Summit, Midland, Texas, May 2008.
- “Legislative Update,” 2008 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) Annual Conference, Laredo, Texas, March 2008.
- “Panel Discussion: The Status of Groundwater Law in Texas,” TWCA, 64th Annual Convention, The Woodlands, Texas, March 2008.
- “Do You Need a Lawyer in Your Tool Box?,” National Watershed Coalition, Operation & Maintenance/Sponsor 101 Workshop, Decatur, Texas, September 2007.
- “Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas, A Review of Chapter 36 and Recent Amendments,” 17th Annual CLE International Conference, Texas Water Law, Austin, Texas, September 2007.
- “Recap of 2007 Texas Legislative Session,” Industry Council on the Environment, Membership Meeting, Austin, Texas, July 2007.
- “Legislative/Regulatory-Wrap Up from 2007 Session,” Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) Board of Directors Meeting, Austin, Texas, July 2007.
- “2007 Municipal Solid Waste Legislative Update,” Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) 2007 Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, March 2007.
- “Landowner Rights and the Rule of Capture,” 16th Annual CLE International Conference, Texas Water Law-Scarcity & Growth, Austin, Texas, October 2006.
- “Legislative Update,” Texas Red Light Camera Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, October 2006.
- “Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas, A Review of Chapter 36 and Recent Amendments,” 16th Annual CLE International Conference-Texas Water Law, Scarcity & Growth, Austin, Texas, September 2006.
- “Changes to Groundwater Management as a Result of House Bill 1763,” TWCA 62nd Annual Convention, The Woodlands, Texas, March 2006.
- “Legislative Update on Water Issues,” 5th Annual Bell County Water Symposium, Belton, Texas, November 2005.
- “Legislative Update, What Have They Done to Us Now,” Solid Waste Association of North America, Metroplex Chapter Conference, Grand Prairie, Texas, July 2005.
- “Groundwater Sustainability through Protection & Preservation of Existing & Historic Use,” Texas Groundwater 2004: Towards Sustainability Conference, Austin, Texas, November 2004.
- “Historic Use,” TWCA 60th Annual Convention, The Woodlands, Texas, March 2004.
- “Legislative Update,” 2004 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) Annual Conference, Brownsville, Texas, March 2004.
- “Groundwater Marketing, Transfers and Banking,” Western States Water Council Conference, Amarillo, Texas, December 2003.
- “Legislative Update,” Bell County Water Symposium, Belton, Texas, November 2003.
- “Update on the Texas Legislature & Solid Waste Legislation,” 2003 Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA) – Annual Conference, El Paso, Texas, March 2003.
- “Texas Water Development and The 78th Texas Legislature,” San Antonio Bar Association, Environmental Law Section, San Antonio, Texas, February 2003.
- “Regulation of Clay Mining in Texas,” Southwestern Brick Institute – 2003 Spring Meeting, Austin, Texas, February 2003.
- “Beneficial Use of Groundwater,” Texas Rural Water Association, TWCA Annual Water Law Seminar, Austin, Texas, January 2003.
- “Water, Water (Not) Everywhere: Challenges and Opportunities in Texas, The Louisiana Situation,” Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference, Houston, Texas, April 2001.
- “The Legislature is in Session,” Solid Waste Association of North America, Metroplex Chapter, Arlington, Texas, March 2001.
- “Update on the Texas Legislature and Solid Waste Legislation,” Solid Waste Association of North America, Texas Chapter (TxSWANA), 2001: A Waste Odyssey Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 2001.
- “Overview of Texas Water Laws and Legislative Update,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Water Issues Workshop, Austin, Texas, September 2000.
- “Water Markets in Texas,” Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Water Issues Workshop, Austin, Texas, September 2000.
- “Legislative and Regulatory Water Update,” Texas City Attorneys Association Semi-Annual Conference, South Padre Island, Texas, June 2000.
- “Using Bed and Banks Permits to Supply Water for Municipal Needs,” Water 2000 Plus Conference, San Marcos, Texas, May 2000.
- “Regional Water Planning Update and Water Issues in The 76th Legislature,” Texas Municipal Utilities Association Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, May 1999.
- “Water Planning Under Senate Bill 1,” Texas Farm Bureau Annual Convention, Corpus Christi, Texas, January 1998.
- “Environmental Issues in the 75th Legislature,” Texas Planning Association, March 1997.
- “Panel Discussion: Water Issues in the 75th Legislature,” Texas and Southwestern Cattleraisers Association Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, March 1997.
- “Agricultural and Natural Resources in the 75th Legislature,” Texas Peanut Growers Association, Austin, Texas, March 1997.
- “The Legislative Process,” Travis County Bar Association CLE Seminar: Legislative Update, Austin, Texas, August 1997.
- “Upcoming Environmental Issues in the 75th Legislature,” Travis County Bar Association CLE Seminar: What Every Lawyer Should Know About Environmental Law, Austin, Texas, December 1996.
- “Water Issues Facing the 75th Legislature,” Briefing for newly elected members of the House of Representatives for the 75th Legislative Session, Austin, Texas, December 1996.